Salvation - Seven Incorruptibles

Today vast segments of the church and its leaders promote and glorify that which is corruptible and perishing - money, buildings, the size of crowds, an endless range of so-called "full-service" programs, as well as political and social power - to name but a few. But Scripture calls the true people of God to a far different value system. It declares that our hearts and minds must be focused on that which is incorruptible and imperishable.

The Bible declares that the believer's present certainty of salvation, and confident expectation of the life to come, is based upon seven incorruptible things. Four have to do with God's own nature. The other three have to do with God's guarantees to every believer in Christ. God's people must root their thinking deeply in these truths. In this series, the Lord willing, we shall examine them in the pages of Scripture

Incorruptibility is a vital term in the Word of God. But it is sadly foreign to much of the post-evangelical church.
The first four "incorruptibles" have to do with God's own nature. Today we consider the first, the incorruptibility of God Himself.
The believer's present certainty of salvation, and confident expectation of glory, is based on God's incorruptible Word.
In a literal rendering of 1 Timothy 1:15-17 we find this: "Now unto the King eternal, incorruptible..."
1 Peter 1:18 tell us that our incorruptible Savior had incorruptible blood. It is forever on the mercy seat.
Because the first four "incorruptibles" are true of God and His Word, believers in Christ have an incorruptible inheritance.
Believers in Jesus Christ "shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is" (1 John 3:2).
Today we come to the last of the seven incorruptible things: We shall receive an incorruptible crown.
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