The resurrection of Christ demonstrates the centrality of sound doctrine.
The death of Christ on the Cross did what the type and shadow of the Old Testament brazen altar could never do. Jesus provided double imputation - our sins laid on Him, His robe of perfect righteousness laid on us.
A courageous brother has dared to expose one of the most insidious errors of our time, and one of its chief proponents.
A popular translation confuses the most essential issue in the Bible.
In recent years a false teaching has gained prominence which says that salvation is through "solidarity" with Christ.
The early chapters of Romans teach that you could be legally faultless, but you would still not be right with God.
Several readers have contacted us in a state of confusion about the preaching of Dr. John MacArthur on this subject.
Some false teachers claim that Paul says we are saved by faith, but James paraodxically says we are saved by works.
Justification is not a process or a set of stages. God's once-for-all act gives every believer full assurance of salvation.
Only when we grasp this doctrine do we begin to comprehend the true nature and infinite extent of God's saving grace.