Scripture and the Church

From man's fall in Eden to the present day, all doctrinal deviancy is rooted in prideful unthankfulness for Christ and His Word. How do you know when it is happening to you or your church?
Methodists, Lutherans & the Eastern Orthodox have joined with Rome to promote the heresy of justification by faith-plus-works and undo the Protestant Reformation.
Scripture denies this falsehood growing among Christians: "Same-sex attraction is not sinful if attraction stops short of action."
Martin Luther King, Jr. denied the doctrines of Christ's virgin birth, His substitutionary atonement, His Second Coming, a "supernatural plan of salvation," and a literal Hell.
Believers must not have "the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons'' (James 2: 1).
The Protestant Reformers recovered three great pillars of authentic Biblical Christianity: the supremacy of Biblical authority, salvation in Christ alone by grace alone through faith alone, and the priesthood of every believer.
In this time of multiplied evils in "the church" we must recognize and cling to the Biblical definition of "the Church".
At its just-concluded 45th General Assembly, the Presbyterian Church in America continued down its long-ago chosen path of spiritual ruin.
We must never hold onto any visible church, denomination, or institution in such a way that we place loyalty to the institution above loyalty to Christ and His Word.
There is no Biblical warrant for excluding a believer from the Lord's Supper because an individual is not on the membership roll of a local church.
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